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About Janis Lindley

"I saw a pillar of light..."

When Janis Lindley was trying to help her grandchildren memorize the First Vision as recounted in Joseph Smith-History, one grandchild voiced his frustration at not being able to memorize things. Janis wanted to find a way to empower this grandchild and sought to find a way to help him. It occurred to her that song has been a proven method to help children learn. Despite not having any real musical background, she thought she had nothing to lose in trying. 

She began working on a melody and then reached out to a friend, Gaylene Merchant, who has a strong musical background. Working together, the song started to take form. Then things began falling into place. Brielle Petrie came into the scene and used her talents to arrange the music and sheet music was created. Gaylene’s son and daughter, Branson and Maisy, used their vocal talents to introduce the song to social media. 

Janis’s strong testimony of the First Vision and of Joseph Smith combined with her desire to help others memorize the account opened the windows of inspiration. She is sharing this sweet blessing with all and invites everyone to learn the song and to share videos of them singing, whether you are a professional or want to learn it as a family as part of Come Follow Me as we learn about the First Vision in January 2021.  

Sheet music and background music can be downloaded from:

Videos can be submitted to:

Together, we can Hear Him. 

Bio: Bio
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